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2024 Camping in Ontario Directory

Member Advertising Rates

 Size Full-colour
 Full Page $2575
 1/2 Page — Hz/Vt $1315
 1/4 Page — Hz/Vt $665
 Card Ad
 RV Listing with logo(due Sept 15)

Premium Positions (Four Colour ONLY)

Center Double-Page SpreadAvailable
Inside Front Cover
Inside Front Cover Facing Page Available
Inside Back Cover
Inside Back Cover Facing Page
Outside Back Cover Available

Guaranteed Position:
Your ad will be placed within your tourism area at no charge unless otherwise requested. To guarantee
your ad placement on a page, please add 15% to the ad rate. Rates are based on criteria outlined in the Material Requirements.Circulation: 65,000

Advertising deadline is TBA.

RV Dealer Listing
Are you an RV dealer or do you provide services for the RV community such as rentals, repairs, parts & accessories, storage and relocation?  Consider advertising in the 2024 edition of Camping in Ontario. 
New - Button Ad Link to RV Listings now included on Camping in Ontario website Trailers For Sale page

CLICK HERE for the 2025 RV Listing Order Form or contact the office for more information at 877-672-2226.

Update Newsletter
Update is the official newsletter of Camping In Ontario. Published twice a year, this newsletter covers the topics that affect the campground industry. Delivered electronically to government representatives, associate members, campground members, and affiliated tourism organizations, it is read by more than 700 campgrounds and suppliers.

Each issue zeros in on issues that have an impact on the campground owner and the industry, and are relevant to the time of year. Articles are contributed by staff, campground owners, supplier members and outside experts.

All advertising material must be received in-house no later than the last day of the month preceding publication. To book your advertising space, please contact the office at 877-672-2226 or download the form from the link on the bottom and fax to our office at 877-905-2714.
DOWNLOAD > 2024 Update Newsletter Advertising Order Form

Buyer's Guide
The Buyer's Guide is the "yellow pages" of the campground industry. It is the primary resource used by campgrounds when they are making their campground purchases. The format allows for full colour, full page ads. 
All ads are due by February 28.